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Wir begleiten den deutschen Mittelstand bei der Einführung von KI-Lösungen und setzen gemeinsam KI-Projekte um.
Picture of group working on AI topics in header format
30 Min.

Kostenloses Beratungsgespräch mit unseren Expert:innen

Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Untersuchung von Stärken und Schwächen in Bezug auf Daten und KI-Anforderungen im Unternehmen mit dem Ziel, relevante Problemstellungen zu identifizieren und erfolgversprechende Potenziale für KI aufzuzeigen.
Kostenlose Beratung buchen
Julian Speckmaier
Head of Business Strategy
Do you have any questions or feedback? Send us a message and our experts will get back to you as soon as possible.

Schreiben Sie uns eine Nachricht und unsere Expert:innen melden sich bei Ihnen schnellstmöglich zurück.
Vum wattx Zionskirchstraße 73a 10119 Berlin
AI Strategy & Potential Analysis
Strategy consulting and potential analysis is often the best starting point for understanding where AI can create value for a company.

• To what extent have you been using AI in your company so far?
• What are your goals where AI can be the right solution?
AI strategy/potential analysis

Strategy consulting and potential analysis is often the best starting point for understanding where AI can create value for a company.

• To what extent have you been using AI in your company so far?
• What are your goals where AI can be the right solution?

Support in implementing AI projects

Our team of AI experts and developers can design AI solutions, train models, and integrate software.

• In which areas do you have projects that you want to implement with us?
• Where do you need support?

General contact request

Help us to classify your contact request.

• Do you have a concern that we can help you with?
• Is there a specific topic that you would like to talk about?

Implementation of AI projects
Our team of AI experts and developers can design AI solutions, train models, and integrate software.

• In which areas do you have projects that you want to implement with us?
• Where do you need support?
AI strategy/potential analysis

Strategy consulting and potential analysis is often the best starting point for understanding where AI can create value for a company.

• To what extent have you been using AI in your company so far?
• What are your goals where AI can be the right solution?

Support in implementing AI projects

Our team of AI experts and developers can design AI solutions, train models, and integrate software.

• In which areas do you have projects that you want to implement with us?
• Where do you need support?

General contact request

Help us to classify your contact request.

• Do you have a concern that we can help you with?
• Is there a specific topic that you would like to talk about?

Contact request
Do you have a concern that we can help you with? Is there a specific topic that you would like to talk about?
AI strategy/potential analysis

Strategy consulting and potential analysis is often the best starting point for understanding where AI can create value for a company.

• To what extent have you been using AI in your company so far?
• What are your goals where AI can be the right solution?

Support in implementing AI projects

Our team of AI experts and developers can design AI solutions, train models, and integrate software.

• In which areas do you have projects that you want to implement with us?
• Where do you need support?

General contact request

Help us to classify your contact request.

• Do you have a concern that we can help you with?
• Is there a specific topic that you would like to talk about?

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