Productivity & Creativity

Give your employees the right tools to perform recurring tasks effectively and efficiently with AI support. Scale team skills with AI assistants for expert knowledge and creative activities.


• Handling repetitive tasks and creative blockages.

• To meet the cognitive load through multitasking and the pressure of increasing productivity and innovative capacity

• Increasing complexity and speed of information flows


• Automate routine tasks, improve decision-making processes, and encourage creative thinking.

• Freeing up human resources for more strategic and creative projects.

• Stimulating creativity by offering novel ideas, designs, and perspectives, enabling individuals and teams to explore new concepts and solutions beyond their traditional ways of thinking.

Business Impact

• Increased efficiency: Automating routine tasks optimizes employee productivity.

• Improved Innovation: AI accelerates the innovation process with new ideas and analyses.

• Improved Decision-Making: AI's data analysis capabilities lead to more informed decisions.

• Cost reduction: Cost savings through automation and optimized processes.

Who is it for?

Companies in all sectors

From Technology Companies to Healthcare and Finance to the Creative Industries, any company that wants to increase productivity can benefit from AI.

Creative Professions

Marketing experts, designers, and other creative professionals can use AI as a tool to inspire, overcome creative blocks, and discover new media or styles.

Project Managers and Decision Makers

People in management positions can use AI for strategic planning, risk assessment, and streamlining project management tasks.

Project highlights
Screenshot of AI project done by triebwerk for Netzsch

Netzsch Notify

Find out more about how engine helped Viessmann speed up the processing of tender offers using NLP and recommendation algorithms.
zur Netsch Webseite

AI for Sustainability Connect

Find out more about how engine helped Viessmann speed up the processing of tender offers using NLP and recommendation algorithms.
zur KI Park Webseite
Screenshot of GenAI (RAG) product called eigenmind built by the triebwerk team


Find out more about how engine helped Viessmann speed up the processing of tender offers using NLP and recommendation algorithms.
zur eigenmind Webseite
Screenshot of AI project done by triebwerk for Viessmann

Viessmann Tender Service

Find out more about how engine helped Viessmann speed up the processing of tender offers using NLP and recommendation algorithms.
zur Viessmann Webseite

AI for Sustainability Connect

The AI Connect for Sustainability programme aims to solve business challenges in the field of sustainability. It presents new AI prototypes developed by AI start-ups. The programme promotes innovative solutions for sustainable business.
to the KI Park website
30 Min.

Kostenloses Beratungsgespräch mit unseren Expert:innen

Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Untersuchung von Stärken und Schwächen in Bezug auf Daten und KI-Anforderungen im Unternehmen mit dem Ziel, relevante Problemstellungen zu identifizieren und erfolgversprechende Potenziale für KI aufzuzeigen.
Kostenlose Beratung buchen
Julian Speckmaier
Head of Business Strategy
Do you have any questions or feedback? Send us a message and our experts will get back to you as soon as possible.

Schreiben Sie uns eine Nachricht und unsere Expert:innen melden sich bei Ihnen schnellstmöglich zurück.
Vum wattx Zionskirchstraße 73a 10119 Berlin
AI Strategy & Potential Analysis
Strategy consulting and potential analysis is often the best starting point for understanding where AI can create value for a company.

• To what extent have you been using AI in your company so far?
• What are your goals where AI can be the right solution?
AI strategy/potential analysis

Strategy consulting and potential analysis is often the best starting point for understanding where AI can create value for a company.

• To what extent have you been using AI in your company so far?
• What are your goals where AI can be the right solution?

Support in implementing AI projects

Our team of AI experts and developers can design AI solutions, train models, and integrate software.

• In which areas do you have projects that you want to implement with us?
• Where do you need support?

General contact request

Help us to classify your contact request.

• Do you have a concern that we can help you with?
• Is there a specific topic that you would like to talk about?

Implementation of AI projects
Our team of AI experts and developers can design AI solutions, train models, and integrate software.

• In which areas do you have projects that you want to implement with us?
• Where do you need support?
AI strategy/potential analysis

Strategy consulting and potential analysis is often the best starting point for understanding where AI can create value for a company.

• To what extent have you been using AI in your company so far?
• What are your goals where AI can be the right solution?

Support in implementing AI projects

Our team of AI experts and developers can design AI solutions, train models, and integrate software.

• In which areas do you have projects that you want to implement with us?
• Where do you need support?

General contact request

Help us to classify your contact request.

• Do you have a concern that we can help you with?
• Is there a specific topic that you would like to talk about?

Contact request
Do you have a concern that we can help you with? Is there a specific topic that you would like to talk about?
AI strategy/potential analysis

Strategy consulting and potential analysis is often the best starting point for understanding where AI can create value for a company.

• To what extent have you been using AI in your company so far?
• What are your goals where AI can be the right solution?

Support in implementing AI projects

Our team of AI experts and developers can design AI solutions, train models, and integrate software.

• In which areas do you have projects that you want to implement with us?
• Where do you need support?

General contact request

Help us to classify your contact request.

• Do you have a concern that we can help you with?
• Is there a specific topic that you would like to talk about?

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